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GCHB Clearvu's The Spy Who Loved Me at Creekwood


Bond's Story

Bond was born at Creekwood kennels while his mother was being leased. Upon pickup of Carolina (his mother) we took Bond home as well. Since then Bond has become an integral part of Cearvu and can be found protecting the kennel and keeping the younger pups in line.

Likes: Summer, His daughter (Celeste), and Food

Dislikes: Lawn Mowers/ Motors, Pills, and Being woken up from naps

Basic Info

DOB: 02/17/2020

Color: Sable

Coat: Smooth

Sex: M

Titles/ Awards Won

​CH - ​AKC Championship

GCH - AKC Grand Champion

GCHB - AKC Bronze Grand Champion

The only stupid question is a question not asked.


Lynch Station, VA 24571

Contact Info

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The choice, the view, it's clear.

Clearvu Kennels

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